Regulations for the Titles and Certifications of Chess in Education
FIDE Chess in Education Titles are awarded for life and can only be suspended or revoked by a decision of the FIDE Ethics & Disciplinary Commission or FIDE Council, while an EDU License is a certification by FIDE and EDU of current proficiency to teach at the indicated level of the awarded FIDE EDU title. Chess in Education Titles when awarded include a three (3) year license.
The Preparation of Teachers (PoT) course offers the School Instructor title:
FIDE School Instructors introduce the school students to the basic chess rules to improve social and 21st Century skills and to increase the number of chess players worldwide.
The Preparation of Lecturers (PoL) course offers a two-tier qualification:
Lead School Instructor (LSI): The first level of qualification enables lecturers to train colleagues and award participation certificates to participants.
Senior Lead Instructor (SLI): The second level of qualification allows lecturers to present the Preparation of Teachers course in the first or second language to obtain the School Instructor (SI) title. Candidate lecturers may wish to obtain only the first level of qualification by choice.
The admission criteria to participate in the two-tier PoL course include, but are not limited to:
Ability to play chess (at club player level or above).
1.1 FIDE Lead School Instructors (LSI)
1.1.1 FIDELead School Instructors (LSI) lead the courses for the certification of colleague educators. Participation certificates with the FIDE logo is issued by the FIDE office at a cost of €10 per participant.
1.1.2 Theobjective of the preparation of FIDE Lead School Instructors is to develop and enhance the skills of effective teaching of chess basics by using active and interactive teaching methods, digital tools, and positive professional communication skills.
1.1.3 Only presenters/ assessors appointed by the FIDE EDU Commission may train and qualify FIDE Lead School Instructors.
1.1.4 The course duration is 12-15 hours session which will be conducted over consecutive days.
1.1.5 LSI course fee is a minimum of €150 per participant.
1.1.6 Title award bysuccessful completion of LSI seminar, meeting of the required assessment result and payment of the title fee of €70.
1.1.7 70% of the course fees is paid to the presenters with the balance paid to FIDE.
1.1.8 For title renewal the title holder must either:
1.1.9 The license renewal fee is set at €40.
1.1.10 Recognition of previous lecturer titles:
1.2 FIDE Senior Lead Instructor (SLI)
1.2.1 FIDE Senior Lead Instructors (SLI) present the Preparation of Teachers course for participants to obtain the FIDE School Instructor (SI) titles.
1.2.2 The objective of the preparation of FIDE Senior Lead Instructors is to develop a pool of lecturers who can train educators for the FIDE School Instructor title.
1.2.3 Only presenters/ assessors appointed by the FIDE EDU Commission may train and qualify FIDE Senior Lead Instructors.
1.2.4 The candidate Senior Lead Instructor is required to meet the following admission criteria:
1.2.5 The course duration is 5-8 hours session which will be conducted over 2 consecutive days.
1.2.6 At the end of the course the assessors grant provisional licenses to the participants as assistant (not-yet competent) Senior Lead Instructors. The assistant senior lead instructor is required to co-lecture with qualified lecturers to obtain the required competency requirement. Competent Senior Lead Instructors may apply for the SLI title.
1.2.7 SLI course fee is a minimum of €200 per participant.
1.2.8 Title award by successful completion of SLI seminar, meeting of the required competency requirements and payment of the title fee of €100.
1.2.9 70% of the course fees is paid to the presenters/ assessors with the balance paid to FIDE.
1.2.10 For title renewal the title-holder must either:
1.2.11 The license renewal fee is set at €40.
1.3. FIDE School Instructor (SI)
1.3.1 FIDE School Instructors introduce the school student to the basic chess rules to improve social and 21st Century skills.
1.3.2 Professional skills required for SI candidates: teaching or will teachin a school with proficiencies in pedagogy and educational psychology. Knowledge of chess basics is required for online courses.
1.3.3 Preparation of Teachers (PoT) courses are designed to be delivered online or in-person. All online titled courses will be managed and organised by FIDE EDU exclusively.
1.3.4 PoT courses shallbe organized by EDU or by an approved organiser (Federation, Chess Club, Chess Academy or other Chess Organization) after the submission of a satisfactory completed applicationform to the FIDE Chess in Education Commission and its approval.
1.3.5 For online courses 70% of the course fees is paid to the presenters/ assessors with the balance paid to FIDE.
1.3.6 The approved organiser collects all course fees and bears all costs associated with the course: lecturer’s fee, lecturer’s travel and on-sight expenses, venue and all other costs. FIDE issues a participation certificate for each participant of the course at a cost of €20 per participant payable by the organiser.
1.3.7 Courses will generally be delivered over a period of 3 or 5 days, with a minimum duration of 15 hours in total.
1.3.8 The maximum number of participants per course is determined by the FIDE EDU commission.
1.3.9 Application forms must be received by EDU at least 3-6 weeks before the seminar is due to take place. Once the course is approved, seminar publicity may begin.
1.3.10 EDU will appoint or recommend SLI certified lecturers.The examination results will be submitted by the lecturerto EDU, who will notify FIDE of the results. Participation and title certificates will be sent electronically to candidates from FIDE.
1.3.11 Title award by successful completion of PoT course, meeting of the required assessment result and payment of the title fee of €50.
1.3.12 Title fees must be paid within six months of qualification. In the event of non-payment within this period, the participant must retake the course successfully to qualify for the SI title upon payment of the title fee.
1.3.13 For title renewal the title-holder must attend a professional development course approved by FIDE EDU.
1.3.14 The license renewal fee is set at €40.
01. Non-Elected Commissions
02. Financial Regulations
03. Electoral Rules
08. FIDE Ethics
01. International Title Regulations (Qualification Commission)
02. FIDE Rating Regulations (Qualification Commission)
03. Regulations on Registration & Licensing of Players
04. Registration, Transfer & Rules of Eligibility for Player
06. Regulations for the Titles of Arbiters
07. Regulations for the Titles of Trainers / FIDE Endorsed Academies
08. Regulations for Accreditation in Chess in Education
09. Regulations on Seminars & Title Award for Organizers
11. FIDE Online Arena Regulations
02. Chess Equipment
04. FIDE Swiss Rules
C.04.1 Basic rules for Swiss Systems
C.04.2 General handling rules for Swiss Tournaments
C.04.3 FIDE (Dutch) System
C.04.4 Other FIDE-approved Pairing Systems
C.04.5 FIDE-approved Accelerated Systems
07. Tie-Break Regulations
08. FIDE Chess Calendar
01. FIDE Individual World Championship Cycles
02. Chess Olympiad
02. Olympiad Pairing Rules
03. Cycle for Competitions for Men`s and Women`s National Teams
04. Other FIDE Competitions
01. General Regulations for FIDE Competitions
14. Bids Evaluation Criteria
19. FIDE World Corporate Chess Championship
07. Regulations for the FIDE World Rapid & Blitz Championships
01. Laws of Chess