Chess Federation

A. ADMINISTRATIVE SUBJECTS / 04. Honours and Awards /

04. Honours and Awards

Awards Committee


The President shall nominate three of the Vice Presidents to examine all nominations for awards and diplomas. Nominations from Federations shall be sent to the FIDE Secretariat to arrive at least 3 months before the Annual Congress. The Awards Committee decides whether to submit the nominations to Congress.


Honorary members

Nominations shall be for individuals who have performed outstanding word for FIDE over a period of time.


Friends of FIDE and Most Esteemed Friends of FIDE.

Nominations shall be for individuals and companies who have made a substantial financial contribution to FIDE.


Medal of Merit

Nominations shall be for individuals who have shown outstanding merit in their work for FIDE.


FIDE Diplomas

4.1 Gold diplomas or plaques

To be given to very active federations: those which in the course of four years hold not less than 10 international tournaments, including at least one official FIDE competition. If the federation holds the Chess Olympiad or the match for the Individual World Championship it is sufficient that it holds five international competitions in addition.

4.2 Silver diplomas or plaques

To be given to active federations: those which in the course of four years hold not less than five international tournaments, including at least one official FIDE competition.

4.3 Diplomas or plaques of achievement

To be presented every two years to chess developing federations of the first, second and third levels of development that have organized an international chess event.