Chess Federation

A. ADMINISTRATIVE SUBJECTS / 06. FIDE Congress Regulations /

06. FIDE Congress Regulations

FIDE CONGRESS REGULATIONS (Approved by FIDE Council on 27/12/2021)

1.       FIDE Congress

1.1     FIDE Congress is an official FIDE event combining the sessions of the General Assembly, FIDE Council, Zonal Council and FIDE Commissions.

1.2     In addition, the following sessions shall be arranged:

1.2.1      Meetings of other FIDE bodies, including special Committees;

1.2.3      Meetings of FIDE Continents, Zones and Affiliated Organisations.

1.3     The FIDE Congress timetable shall be included into the official invitation and into a dedicated webpage.

1.4     For 1.1 above, FIDE Office shall organise recording the sessions and taking the minutes of the meetings.

2.       Date and Venue of FIDE Congress

2.1     FIDE Congress is an annual event and shall last between three and six days. In the case of extensive items on the agenda, the FIDE President may arrange additional sessions or prolong the Congress.

2.2     In even-years, the FIDE Congress will be held preferably during, and in the same city/country as the Chess Olympiad. The Organiser of a Chess Olympiad shall also be the Organiser of a FIDE Congress for that same year. Exceptions require the explicit approval by FIDE Council.

2.3     FIDE Council can alternatively decide to organise FIDE Congress meetings online or in a hybrid format.

3.       Appointment of the Organiser

3.1     FIDE Council appoints a legal entity (hereinafter called Organiser) responsible for the organisation of FIDE Congress.

3.2     A proposal to undertake the organisation and running of a FIDE Congress shall be in the form of a direct and concrete offer, which shall be made in writing and include all necessary information as stipulated in Section 4 below.

3.3     An offer shall be accompanied by the official endorsement of the National Federation in which the FIDE Congress is due to take place (in case the Organiser is not the Federation itself).

3.4     The Organiser should fully comply with FIDE requirements.

3.5     The Organiser shall establish an Organising Committee dedicated to running the FIDE Congress.

4.       The Proposal from the Organiser

4.1     The Organiser shall submit to the FIDE Office a document containing information on the following:

4.1.1      Venue / online platform (if applicable)

4.1.2      Digital specifications related to online/hybrid formats

4.1.3      Proposals for accommodation and premises

4.1.4      Travel arrangements

4.1.5      Visa requirements

4.1.6      Medical protocols

4.2     At the same time as this draft is submitted, the FIDE representative must be invited at the organiser’s expense in order to inspect the venue and to check the online/hybrid arrangements.

4.3     FIDE representative shall confirm the arrangements with (if required) a note regarding any modifications which she/he considers desirable on the basis of the inspection and preliminary discussions. If necessary, further inspections are to be arranged.

5.       Invitations to the Federations and Congress participants

5.1     Upon receiving FIDE Council’s confirmation, FIDE Office shall send an official invitation to all FIDE member federations as well as to other invited persons and organisations. The following information must be included in the invitation:

5.1.1      International travel and local transportation

5.1.2      Dates

5.1.3      Accommodation

5.1.4      Visas

5.1.5      Medical requirements

5.1.6      Necessary information regarding access to the online platform

5.1.7      Any other relevant information that may be necessary for participants

5.2     After this official invitation, FIDE member federations and other Congress participants should communicate with the Organiser directly, with copies sent to the FIDE Office.

5.3     All communications regarding rights to participate in a FIDE Congress should be addressed exclusively to the FIDE Office.

5.4     All materials regarding the FIDE Congress should be submitted to the participants according to the requirements set out in the FIDE Charter by the FIDE Office.

6.       Notice of participation

6.1     Before the beginning of the FIDE Congress any member federation or Congress participant who intends to participate must send a written notice to FIDE Office as per the deadline indicated in the official invitation.

7.       Organisation of FIDE Congress

7.1     The Organiser shall provide an electronic voting system to be used for the General Assembly and any other meetings listed in Article 1.1 above if required.

7.2     For the duration of FIDE Congress, the Organiser shall coordinate with the FIDE Office to provide the following facilities, at no cost to FIDE:

7.2.1      The rooms required for the sessions of the General Assembly and other official meetings;

7.2.2      Office premises with modern facilities for FIDE President and FIDE Office;

7.2.3      An installation for simultaneous translations (at least five languages: English, French, Spanish, Russian and Arabic) and qualified simultaneous translators for the sessions of the General Assembly.

7.3     During the FIDE Congress, the FIDE flag and national flags of member federations taking part should be displayed.

7.4     The Organiser shall pay the full travelling and accommodation costs of the FIDE Council, FIDE Management Board, Elected Commissions’ members and a reasonable number of the FIDE Office representatives.

7.5     The Organiser shall additionally pay the full accommodation costs of the Federations’ delegates as well as the traveling costs of the delegates from the countries of development levels 3, 4 and 5. Exceptions for non-Olympiad years may be approved by the FIDE Council.

7.6     If the hotel(s) and the Congress buildings are situated a long way from each other, the Organiser shall provide free local transportation for the Congress participants.

7.7     The Organiser shall supply all participants of the FIDE Congress with working documents provided by the FIDE Office.

7.8     Additional obligations shall be reasonably approved by the FIDE President.

8.       Expenses to be met by the Congress participants

8.1     All Congress participants are responsible for covering all other expenses which are not covered by the Organiser and/or FIDE based on the pre-announced rules and arrangements.

9.       Accommodation

9.1     Offers for accommodation in several good hotels at favourable prices shall be secured and conveyed to the Congress participants by the Organiser.

9.2     The offers should stipulate prices for bed and breakfast, and (where appropriate) half or full board.

9.3     The Organiser is expected to secure package prices at a lower rate than the hotel’s regular rates.

10.     Opening and Closing Ceremonies

10.1   Opening and Closing Ceremonies, as well as any other official receptions or special gatherings, shall be organised by an agreement between FIDE and the Organiser.