Media Press Center A Media Center (Press Office) should be set-up to handle the media matters for the chess event. Its proper work requires technical and personnel conditions. Technical conditions Facilities The press area must
The actual number of rooms and types of space required are influenced by the anticipated number of media people and the program of the event. At the same time the media center should have sufficient tables and chairs, paper and other general stationery, copying machine, printer. Organisers shall provide, free of charge, coffee, tea, soft drinks and snacks for official press members. To have an access to the playing hall, media staff, as well as technical staff (including camera operators, live transmission operators, etc.) shall follow the FIDE dress-code regulations. Official website The Organizer and the experienced staff operate the Internet connections and the official website of the event. On the official Internet website, the interested parties shall find the following information:
The official website of the event shall be operational at least two weeks before the event. However, it shall be ready and operational two months before the event if the registration and accreditation as well as the transportation and accommodation arrangements are possible through that channel. The official website of the Olympiad should be operational half a year before the event. The official website of the event shall be accessible via the FIDE website, too. The organizers of all events from FIDE calendar have to have official website of the events updated with news and photos after each round, opening and closing ceremonies. The organizers have to hire at least one chess journalist and one professional photographer to work during the tournament and update the website with news. FIDE chess journalists should have a priority. The organizers should cooperate with FIDE Journalists Commission and FIDE Press Officer regarding organization of the media center and work of the website.
Photography and Television Photographers are allowed to take photos during the first 10 minutes in the games with standard time control; first 3 minutes in blitz and rapid tournaments. Flash may be used only during the first five (5) minutes in games with standard time control. In tie-break games (with 25 and 10 minutes time controls), photos are allowed (including photos with flash) in the first three (3) minutes. In case of tie-break blitz games and sudden death games, flash is not permitted and the photographer can take photos in the first 2 minutes; the use of cameras over the time limits without flash may be permitted for an official photographer of the event. Only authorised photographers may take photographs in the playing venue. Use of flash in the playing area is restricted to the first ten minutes of the first round and the first five minutes of each subsequent round, unless the CA decides otherwise. The Competition Rules may include other rules due to the peculiarities of the event. The authorised photographers may take photographs without flash during the rest of the round in the playing area, only with the permission of the CA. An official photographer (maximum two persons), designated by the Organizer and FIDE shall be allowed to take photos at any time during the round without flash. FIDE reserves the right to use these photos on its website or printed materials. Only photographers and camera crew expressly authorized by both the organizer and the FIDE Press Officer may work in the playing venue. Television cameras that are noiseless and unobtrusive are permitted in the playing venue and contiguous areas with the approval of the CO and CA. The CA shall ensure the players are not disturbed or distracted in any way by the presence of TV, video cameras or other equipment. FIDE and the Organiser appoints the event official photographer/s at the various events, including matches, press conferences, opening, closing ceremonies, official functions etc. At the end of the tournament, all the photos shall be transferred to the FIDE Office or, as may be established from time to time, for archiving. FIDE may grant access to a number of photos from FIDE Championships for media on official websites of the championships or through official photographer. These images are downloadable directly from the website photo gallery. All photographs have to be credit “” along with the name of the photographer. All the videos at the end of the event shall be transferred to the FIDE Office. World Chess Olympiad: accredited photographers and FIDE journalists` cards holders are allowed to take photos for the first 30 minutes but no more than the first 10 minutes on the stage or the area with top boards. World Youth and other FIDE events with more than 100 participants: accredited photographers and FIDE journalists` cards holders can be allowed to take photos for the first 30 minutes if the Chief Arbiter in charge deems their use to be unobtrusive.
FIDE’s official Youtube channel is updated with videos from FIDE events. All the videos can be used via the embed option and integrated on other web pages.
FIDE Press Officer FIDE Press Officer or appointed Press officer of the event has to attend the top FIDE tournaments (World Chess Olympiads; World Championship Cycle events, including Grand Prix Series, World Cup, Candidates tournament, World Championship Match; Women`s World Championship Cycle events, including Women Grand Prix Series, Women`s World Championship, Women`s World Championship Match; World Team Championships, World Rapid and Blitz Championships). On request of the organizers of other FIDE events FIDE Press Officer may attend other FIDE tournaments. The Organizer will be responsible for managing, updating and reviewing the official web site which will be used for the event: . FIDE Press Officer has right to review and approve all content. FIDE Press Officer has to get an access to the official website of the event two weeks before the start of the event. All live images, live broadcasting (Internet TV) pictures and all the other content for the full details will be carried on the official domain. The organizer shall not develop any other website without the express written consent of FIDE Executive Director. All activities of both FIDE and the organizer shall identify FIDE being the Governing Body of the FIDE event and the organizer being the organizer of the FIDE event in close co-operation with FIDE. The organizer shall warrant that the official domain for the event will be managed in a professional way and furthermore that it will be capable of handling the traffic and publicity that is required for such events. Statistics of traffic and full reports on web performance will be provided to both FIDE and the organizer. The Organizer shall co-operate with the Press Officer concerning the accreditation and hospitality of foreign journalists and the media and the facilities available at the Press Centre. For the most important events (such as Olympiads, World Championship Matches) FIDE Press Officer may visit the venue for the inspection. FIDE Press Officer has to be informed who is going to work for the official website of FIDE events. FIDE Press Officer approves commentators, journalists and photographers who will work for official broadcast and website. The Press Officer shall be a member of the panel at Press Conferences conducted during the FIDE events. In cases of conflicting information and press statements, the views expressed by the Press Officer shall be the authentic version. FIDE Press Officer in coordination with the FIDE Journalists Commission is proposing to FIDE President the Press Officer for official FIDE events - World Events FIDE Press Officer is coordinating and instructing the event's Press Officer in preparing the website's content and press releases.
Interviews All players have to cooperate reasonably with the media. The players are required to make themselves available for short interviews immediately after each game. General interviews with participants in the FIDE chess events may be conducted by direct arrangement with those concerned.
World Team Championships, Olympiads: All players are obliged to give interviews or take part at the press-conference for the official website in request of the FIDE Press Officer. The duration of interviews and press-conference should be around 20 minutes. A player violating these rules will be subject to a penalty of 1,000 euros each, upon report of the FIDE Press Officer. The penalty can be also sent to the national federation of the player who violated the rules. Continuous refusal to co-operate with the FIDE Press Officer may lead to stricter penalties. All winners and medalists have to cooperate reasonably with the media. General interviews with them have to be arranged through the FIDE Press Officer and the team captains, the same day or the next day after the end of the event. All winners and medalists are obliged to attend the final press conference immediately after the end of the championship and to provide an exclusive interview for the FIDE website, if requested by the FIDE Press Officer. The player and/or captain violating these rules will be subject to a penalty of 2,000 euros each, upon report of the FIDE Press Officer and Federations will be charged accordingly.
World Rapid and Blitz Championships Players have to be available for the daily press conference after the end of the rounds and short interviews between rounds. All winners and medalists are obliged to attend the final press conference after the event has ended and to provide exclusive interviews for the FIDE website, if requested by the FIDE Press Officer. Players violating the regulations will be subjected to the penalties of 500 euros, upon report of the FIDE Press Officer.
Grand Prix, Women Grand Prix The players are required to make themselves available for short interviews immediately after each game. Both players shall be available for the daily press conference. FIDE Press Officer or Press Officer of the event decides who has to attend press-conferences. Should a player be in breach of conduct of any of these regulations he/she may be subject to a maximum penalty of €1,000 for any instance of breach.
World Cup, World Women Championship. The players are required to make themselves available for short interviews, of not more than 10 minutes duration, immediately after each game. This applies to the winner of each game, or both players in the event of a draw. The players are also required to be present at all official functions approved by the FIDE President or his Deputy during the Championship, including official receptions and the opening ceremony. The 2 finalists are also required to be present at the closing ceremony. If a player fails to meet the requirements then the following penalty can be imposed by the Press Officer: 5% of his prize money shall be forfeited to the Organisers and a further 5% to FIDE for each breach. A player can appeal for such a penalty within 3 hours after the end of the game. In cases of serious misconduct, the player may be disqualified from the tournament and the World Chess Championship cycle.
Special regulations for FIDE events World Chess Championship Matches: The players are obliged to attend the “Media Day” (estimated 120 minutes) and are expected to co-operate reasonably with the media. General interviews with them can be arranged through the FIDE Press Officer. The Opening Ceremony shall take place at least one day prior to the first round, including interviews of players with the media as per arrangements of the FIDE Press Officer (“Media Day”), and the participants are required to take part. During free days players have to cooperate with media in request of the FIDE Press Officer and be available for interviews, photo shooting (not more than 30 minutes duration). Immediately after the completion of a game both players have to take part in post-game press conferences, of not more than 20 minutes duration. The winner is obliged to attend the final press conference after the event has ended and to provide an exclusive interview for the FIDE website, if requested by the FIDE Press Officer. A player violating these rules will be subjected to the penalties mentioned in the event regulations. FIDE and its appointed commercial agency, retains all commercial and media rights of the FWCM 2018, including internet. These rights can be transferred to the organizer upon agreement. For the period holding the world championship title, the Women’s World Champion and World Champion shall agree to promote chess around the World and be ready to attend promotional events at no fee but with her expenses paid by FIDE provided the prescribed date(s) for the promotion are not in conflict with any established tournaments in the calendar. This period of promotion shall not exceed fourteen days in total for the Women’s World Champion and 5 days (excluding days of travel).
Olympiads During official FIDE inspection if necessary FIDE Press Officer may visit the future venue to check the relevant facilities. The FIDE Press Officer and his/her Deputy are appointed by FIDE President. The organizers have to hire at least three official photographers and two English speaking chess journalists to work at the press-center of the Olympiad. The organizers appoint a local press officer, who is responsible for cooperation with local media and helps to organize the press center and accreditation. All media staff should be approved by the FIDE Press Officer. The media centre should be:
Facilities in the media centre: Working Stations: Sufficient tables and chairs (if possible, not more than two people to a table); typewriters with various keyboards; paper, and other general stationery; copying machines. Information area: Clearly marked notice boards for news and results service; a public address system to inform journalists of calls or messages. Means of communication: Telephones in booths or with soundproof canopies; telefax machines with accessories, with self-service or operation by staff; monitors. The refreshment bar or restaurant and lavatories should be in the immediate vicinity. Guidelines for co-operation with journalists:
FIDE Wolrd Cup, FIDE World Championship Match, World Chess Olympiad: The Deputy FIDE Press Officer is appointed by FIDE President for the FIDE events which attract huge media attention.
FIDE Chess Journalists. FIDE Journalists Commission created membership and license card for chess journalists, which will provide benefits for the holders. Each bid and regulations shall contain the following particulars as minimum. The organizers in cooperation with FIDE Journalist Commission chose the journalists and have to provide free hotel nights (total amount, which can be divided between few journalists) and full board for accredited FIDE journalists during FIDE events as per:
01. Non-Elected Commissions
02. Financial Regulations
03. Electoral Rules
08. FIDE Ethics
01. International Title Regulations (Qualification Commission)
02. FIDE Rating Regulations (Qualification Commission)
03. Regulations on Registration & Licensing of Players
04. Registration, Transfer & Rules of Eligibility for Player
06. Regulations for the Titles of Arbiters
07. Regulations for the Titles of Trainers / FIDE Endorsed Academies
08. Regulations for Accreditation in Chess in Education
09. Regulations on Seminars & Title Award for Organizers
11. FIDE Online Arena Regulations
02. Chess Equipment
04. FIDE Swiss Rules
C.04.1 Basic rules for Swiss Systems
C.04.2 General handling rules for Swiss Tournaments
C.04.3 FIDE (Dutch) System
C.04.4 Other FIDE-approved Pairing Systems
C.04.5 FIDE-approved Accelerated Systems
07. Tie-Break Regulations
08. FIDE Chess Calendar
01. FIDE Individual World Championship Cycles
02. Chess Olympiad
02. Olympiad Pairing Rules
03. Cycle for Competitions for Men`s and Women`s National Teams
04. Other FIDE Competitions
01. General Regulations for FIDE Competitions
14. Bids Evaluation Criteria
19. FIDE World Corporate Chess Championship
07. Regulations for the FIDE World Rapid & Blitz Championships
01. Laws of Chess