Chess Federation

B. PERMANENT COMMISSIONS / 11. FIDE Online Arena Regulations / FIDE Online Arena Rating Regulations /

FIDE Online Arena Rating Regulations

1. Introduction
  1.1 FIDE introduces a rating system for rated chess games played in FIDE Online Arena (FOA) playing zone between full members of FOA. The rating system calculates ratings depending on the time control of a rated game. Therefore, a full member may acquire three different ratings for rapid, blitz and bullet activity, hence the abbreviations RBB ratings and RBB regulations.
  1.2 Those ratings do not influence over the board game activity and subsequent ratings which are included in monthly FIDE Rating Lists (FRL) for rapid and blitz over the board games.
  1.3 On the contrary, FOA ratings are updated by rating changes from over the board rapid and blitz games, as soon as the monthly FRL is published. The exact method of implementation will be announced.
  1.4 RBB rating lists can be produced on demand by the full members, updated up to the last result prior to a member's rating list request. The FOA server issues and displays monthly lists for arbitrary purposes only.
2. Conditions of play
  2.1 Only full members can play rated games in FOA.
  2.2 Full members have the possibility to play unrated games and freely determine the time control.
  2.3 Rated games use the following predetermined time controls:
    2.3.1 For rapid chess: 15m, 25m, 45m, 10m + 10s, 15m + 10s, 25m + 10s, 45m + 10s
    2.3.2 For blitz chess: 3m, 5m, 10m, 3m + 2s, 3m + 3s, 5m + 3s
    2.3.3 For bullet chess: 1m, 2m, 1m + 1s, 1m + 2s
  2.4 In case of disconnection during a game, the client application tries to reconnect automatically to the FOA server. If this is not possible within 60 seconds, then the game is declared lost for the disconnected player.
3. RBB Ratings formulae
  3.1 RBB rating calculations use 2 digit decimal numbers for ratings and rating changes, but only the rounded integer part is displayed as rating. 2 digit decimals are necessary in order to incorporate into ratings small per game rating changes of 0.4 points or less.
  3.2 A rating floor of 100 points is used for RBB ratings.
  3.3 A member whose rating drops under the floor of 100 points in a certain rating category, loses his/her rating for this time control category only. His first rating needs to be determined from the beginning for this time control category only following 3.6 - 3.7.
  3.4 For every new member of FOA, the FOA server determines the member’s first rating from the FIDE rating lists. If a player has a known published rating in a FIDE over the board rating list of the same or any longer time control, then this rating must be used as first rating. Preference of rating lists with this order:
    3.4.1 For rapid chess first rating: rapid, then standard
    3.4.2 For blitz chess first rating: blitz, rapid, then standard
    3.4.3 For bullet chess first rating: blitz, rapid, then standard
  3.5 A member whose first rating cannot be determined by 3.4 is considered to be unrated.
  3.6 An unrated player can achieve his first rating in two stages:
    3.6.1 The unrated player’s first target is to achieve a draw or win an online game against a rated opponent.
    3.6.2 The unrated player’s second target is to complete 4 more games against rated opponents.
  3.7 The first rating can be calculated based on these 5 results with the known formula:
    3.7.1 Ra = the average rating of his opponents.
    3.7.2 His first rating Rf is:
    3.7.3 Rf  = Ra if he scores 50% in his first 5 games.
    3.7.4 Rf = Ra + 20 for each half point scored over 50%.
    3.7.5 Rf = Ra + dp where dp can be found in the table 4.1 of conversion from fractional score ‘p’ into rating differences dp.
  3.8 During the stages of first rating calculations, games between a rated player and an unrated player shall not affect the rating of the rated player.
  3.9 The rating change after the completion of a single game between two rated players is calculated by the formula:
    3.9.1 ΔR = score – PD For each game the score is 1 or 0.5 or 0 PD is taken from table 4.2 based on the rating difference D between the opponents.
    3.9.2 The new rating after the completion of an online rated game is calculated by the formula: Rn = Ro + (ΔR x K)
  3.10 The K factors used are:
    3.10.1 For rapid and blitz chess K = 20.
    3.10.2 For bullet chess K = 10.
    3.10.3 K = 40 for all players previously unrated in any of the three categories until they complete 30 rated games. This article applies only to the time control categories that the player was considered to be unrated.
  3.11 Opponents’ ratings are updated after the completion of their game.
  3.12 Since 2 digit decimal numbers are used for Rn and ΔR, a member’s rating is rounded to the nearest integer for display reasons only.
  3.13 Fraction of 0.5 is rounded upwards. (Example: Rn = 2215.5 becomes Rn = 2216)
  3.14 An example: It is possible that a player’s rating does not change after a won game. A player with rating 1799.6 wins a game and gains 0.6 points. His new rating becomes 1800.2. Both ratings are shown as 1800.
  3.15 Upon the announcement of the monthly FRL for rapid and blitz, total rating changes ΣΔR from over the board rapid and blitz games shall be added to a players’ RBB ratings
4. Conversion tables
  4.1 The table of conversion from fractional score, p, into rating differences, dp
p dp p dp p dp p dp p dp p dp
1.0 800 .83 273 .66 117 .49 -7 .32  -133 .15 -296
.99 677 .82 262 .65 110 .48 -14 .31  -141 .14 -309
.98 589 .81 251 .64 102 .47 -21 .30  -149 .13 -322
.97 538 .80 240 .63 95 .46 -29 .29  -158 .12 -336
.96 501 .79 230 .62 87 .45 -36 .28  -166 .11 -351
.95 470 .78 220 .61 80 .44 -43 .27  -175 .10 -366
.94 444 .77 211 .60 72 .43 -50 .26  -184 .09 -383
.93 422 .76 202 .59 65 .42 -57 .25  -193 .08 -401
.92 401 .75 193 .58 57 .41 -65 .24  -202 .07 -422
.91 383 .74 184 .57 50 .40 -72 .23  -211 .06 -444
.90 366 .73 175 .56 43 .39 -80 .22  -220 .05 -470
.89 351 .72 166 .55 36 .38 -87 .21  -230 .04 -501
.88 336 .71 158 .54 29 .37 -95 .20  -240 .03 -538
.87 322 .70 149 .53 21 .36 -102 .19  -251 .02 -589
.86 309 .69 141 .52 14 .35 -110 .18  -262 .01 -677
.85 296 .68 133 .51 7 .34 -117 .17  -273 .00 -800
.84 284 .67 125 .50 0 .33 -125 .16  -284    
  4.2 Table of conversion of difference in rating, D, into scoring probability PD, for the higher, H, and the lower, L, rated player respectively.
Rtg Dif H L Rtg Dif H L
0-3 .50 .50  198-206 .76 .24
4-10 .51 .49  207-215 .77 .23
11-17 .52 .48  216-225 .78 .22
18-25 .53 .47  226-235 .79 .21
26-32 .54 .46  236-245 .80 .20
33-39 .55 .45  246-256 .81 .19
40-46 .56 .44  257-267 .82 .18
47-53 .57 .43  268-278 .83 .17
54-61 .58 .42  279-290 .84 .16
62-68 .59 .41  291-302 .85 .15
69-76 .60 .40  303-315 .86 .14
77-83 .61 .39  316-328 .87 .13
84-91 .62 .38  329-344 .88 .12
92-98 .63 .37 345-357 .89 .11
99-106 .64 .36 358-374 .90 .10
107-113 .65 .35 375-391 .91 .09
114-121 .66 .34 392-411 .92 .08
122-129 .67 .33 412-432 .93 .07
130-137 .68 .32 433-456 .94 .06
138-145 .69 .31 457-484 .95 .05
146-153 .70 .30 485-517 .96 .04
154-162 .71 .29 518-559 .97 .03
163-170 .72 .28 560-619 .98 .02
171-179 .73 .27 620-735 .99 .01
180-188 .74 .26 > 735 1.0 .00
189-197 .75 .25