Chess Federation



B. PERMANENT COMMISSIONS / 10. Guidelines for FIDE Technical Director /

10. Guidelines for FIDE Technical Director

Approved by 2012 Congress

  1. FIDE Technical Director (FTD) is the overall observer of a FIDE World Event
  2. The FIDE Technical Director FTD is appointed by FIDE and must be a licensed International Organizer
  3. Main duties of the FIDE Technical Director"
    1. To be responsible for the communication with the Organizerafter the approval and circulation of the tournament regulations.
    2. To check before the start of the competition if theorganization adheres to FIDE standards.
    3. To check if the Organizer provides to the participants the conditions offered in the bid and described in the event invitation.
    4. To be contacted by the National Federations as the FIDE Representative.
    5. To ensure the contact of the competitions according to FIDE rules and regulations
    6. By the end of the competition to send his report to FIDE including and comparing the final evaluation with the bid-evaluation.
  4. Organizer provides the following conditions to the FIDE Technical Director:
    1. Single room (FB- 3 meals) 2 days before the start of the competition till departure
    2. Air-travel expenses & transportation to the venue
  5. FIDE pays to the FIDE Technical Director the stipend in accordance with the Financial Guidelines for the Technical Officials.