Chess Federation

B. PERMANENT COMMISSIONS / 07. Regulations for the Titles of Trainers / FIDE Endorsed Academies / Regulations for the Titles of Trainers (effective till June 30 2021) /

Regulations for the Titles of Trainers (effective till June 30 2021)

FIDE Trainers’ Commission (TRG)

FIDE Trainers` System (Regulations)

FIDE Titles - TRG Seminars – FIDE Academies – Licenced Trainers


The FIDE Trainers System (Regulations) deals with FIDE Titles, TRG Seminars, FIDE Academies and Licenced Trainers.

1. FIDE with TRG awards the following FIDE Titles


1.1. FIDE Senior Trainer (FST)


1.2. FIDE Trainer (FT)


1.3. FIDE Instructor (FI)


1.4. National Instructor (NI)


1.5. Developmental Instructor (DI)

2. Requirements for Award of FIDE Title


2.1. FIDE Senior Trainer (FST)


2.1.1. Trainer of World Champion or Challenger or World, Continental or Olympiad Team Medal Winner or Continental Individual Champion or 3 World Champions in Junior and Youth Categories 


2.1.2. Holder of GM, IM, WGM or FM title and have achieved a career high FIDE Rating of at least 2450


2.1.4. Sufficient proficiency of at least one of the FIDE approved languages


2.1.5. Published material, such as books, manuals, or a series of articles.


2.1.6. Seminar Lecturer or Trainer of Trainers


2.1.7. Founder of chess schools, which have developed a minimum of 3 GM or 6 titled players (GM, IM or WGM level).


2.1.8. Originator and developer of educational systems and/or programmes.


2.1.9. Application must be sent by respective national chess federation.


2.2. FIDE Trainer (FT)


2.2.1. Trainer of Continental Junior or Youth Champion or World or Continental Schools Champion.


2.2.2. Have achieved a career high rating of at least 2300


2.2.3. Successful professional skills evaluation in participation in a TRG Seminar.


2.3. FIDE Instructor (FI)


2.3.1. Trainer of National Champion or Junior or Youth Champion


2.3.2. Have achieved a career high rating of at least 2000


2.3.3. Successful professional skills evaluation in participation in a TRG Seminar.


2.4. National Instructor (NI)


2.4.1. Instructor of National Junior or Youth Teams or National Talent Development Programmes


2.4.2. Have achieved a career high rating of at least 1700.


2.4.3. Successful professional skills evaluation in participation in a TRG Seminar.


2.5. Developmental Instructor (DI)


2.5.1. Instructor for Beginners or School Teacher


2.5.2. Attendance in a TRG Seminar


2.6. Evaluation Tables


2.6.1. Highest FIDE or equivalent National Rating. Counts 30% for final title:

Rating Points Awarded
0-1100 0 x 30 =     0
1101-1250 1 x 30 =   30
1251-1400 2 x 30 =   60
1401-1550 3 x 30 =   90
1551-1700 4 x 30 =   120
1701-1850 5 x 30 = 150
1851-2000 6 x 30 = 180
2001-2150 7 x 30 = 210
2151-2300 8 x 30 = 240
2301-2450 9 x 30 = 270
2451-2900 10 x 30 = 300



2.6.2. Student Results. Counts 20% for final title:

Scale Points Awarded
0 0 x 20 =     0
1 1 x 20 =   20
2 2 x 20 =   40
3 3 x 20 =   60
4 4 x 20 =   80
5 5 x 20 =   100
6 6 x 20 =   120
7 7 x 20 =   140
8 8 x 20 =   160
9 9 x 20 =   180
10 10 x 20 = 200

2.6.3. Published Material. To be evaluated by the examiner, at the seminar. Counts 10% for final title:

Scale Points Awarded
0 0 x 10 =     0
1 1 x 10 =   10
2 2 x 10 =   20
3 3 x 10 =   30
4 4 x 10 =   40
5 5 x 10 =   50
6 6 x 10 =   60
7 7 x 10 =   70
8 8 x 10 =   80
9 9 x 10 =   90
10 10 x 10 = 100

2.6.4. Experience as noted in the CV. Counts 20% for final title:

Years Points Awarded
1 0 x 20 =     0
2 1 x 20 =   20
3 2 x 20 =   40
4 3 x 20 =   60
5 4 x 20 =   80
6 5 x 20 = 100
7 6 x 20 = 120
8 7 x 20 = 140
9 8 x 20 = 160
10 9 x 20 = 180
+10 10 x 20 = 200

2.6.5. Written Exams. Counts 20% on final title.

Scale Points Awarded
0 0 x 20 =     0
1 1 x 20 =   10
2 2 x 20 =   20
3 3 x 20 =   30
4 4 x 20 =   40
5 5 x 20 =   50
6 6 x 20 =   60
7 7 x 20 =   70
8 8 x 20 =   80
9 9 x 20 =   90
10 10 x 20 = 100

2.6.6. According to the total result of the previous evaluation tables, the titles are awarded as following:

Points Awarded Title
1000-800 FT
  799-600 FI
  599-400 NI
  399-200 DI
199-0 No title



3. Requirements for FIDE Trainer Seminars


3.1. Process


3.1.1. An application is submitted by the organiser with endorsement of federation and information to the Continental President.


3.1.2. The lecturer is subject to approval by TRG.


3.1.3. Successful applications will be announced on the FIDE website.


2.1.4. The participants are required to fill registration forms and to pay the seminar fee in advance to the organising federation.


2.1.5. On completion the lecturer provides a detailed report with title recommendations to TRG.


2.1.6. If TRG endorses, they will submit title application to FIDE for PB/EB/GA approval.


2.1.7. FIDE will invoice the respective federations the title fee and on receipt of payment, send the certificates, badges and pins.


3.2. Lecturers


3.2.1. FIDE Trainer seminars are conducted by TRG official lecturers.


3.2.2. TRG lecturers are appointed by the TRG each year TRG lecturers may also be appointed on a case to case basis with the consent of the FIDE Executive Director. One or more assistant lecturers to assist a lecturer may also be appointed with TRG agreement.


3.2.3. The TRG syllabus guide as determined by TRG will be used in TRG seminars, unless otherwise is agreed with TRG.


3.2.4. FIDE Trainer Seminars may also be organised to award National Instructor and Developmental. Instructor titles but require special permission from TRG and an approved lecturer with at least the FIDE Trainer title.


3.2.5. The minimum lecturer fee is €1750 (One thousand seven hundred euros) and does not include travel expenses and the lecturer’s board and lodging.


3.2.6. The organiser may charge a seminar fee up to €500 (five hundred euros) per participant inclusive of the FIDE seminar fee of €100 (one hundred euros) per participant.


3.2.7. Appeals against the Lecturer’s decision have to be sent to TRG within 30 days of via the respective federation. The decision of TRG will be final.


3.2.8. TRG will conduct Trainer seminars online in the FIDE approved languages throughout the year. Only TRG may conduct seminars via the Internet.

4. Financial Obligations to FIDE


4.1. The FIDE fee for a participant to a TRG seminar is €100 (hundred euros) and it must be paid to the organising federation/co-organising body who will be invoiced by FIDE.


4.2. On successful graduation from the seminar course, each participant will receive a participation certificate signed by the lecturer.


4.3. The lecturer will submit a detailed report with title recommendations to TRG. If TRG endorses the application, they will submit a title application to FIDE for approval by either the PB, EB or GA.


4.4. On approval, the trainer will receive an official diploma and a badge (the badge shall include the photograph of the trainer and the licence validity) from FIDE and their respective federations billed as follows:

Title Awarded
Title Award (one-time) Licence Fee (valid for 2 years)
FIDE Senior Trainer 300 Euros 90 Euros
FIDE Trainer 200 Euros 60 Euros
FIDE Instructor 100 Euros 30 Euros
National Instructor   50 Euros 15 Euros
Developmental Instructor   50 Euros 15 Euros

4.5. Should a federation refuse to pay for a player title award and licence, the trainer is allowed to pay for their own license.


4.6. FIDE titled trainers will be charged a licence Fee after two calendar years from award of the title by FIDE and will be valid for 2 years.

5. Guideline for FIDE Academies


5.1. Application and Financials


5.1.1. An application to become a FIDE Academy must be made via its respective federation with a copy to TRG.


5.1.2. The federation is responsible to officially inform TRG within 30 days on its decision.


5.1.3. TRG will review the application and if the academy is qualified, to categorise it as an international, national or scholastic, and provide terms of reference.  


5.1.4. Should the federation reject the application and the applicant choose to appeal, TRG will made the final decision subject to approval from FIDE by either PB, EB or GA.


5.1.5. The academy registration fee is Euros 300 with an annual renewal fee of Euros 200 to be invoiced in April of each year to the respective federation.


5.2. Rights and Obligations


5.2.1. A FIDE Academy shall conduct its activities in accordance with FIDE and TRG regulations and by any agreements between the academy and its federation.


5.2.2. A FIDE Academy may use on its official documents the FIDE title and the FIDE logo as approved by TRG.


5.2.3. A FIDE Academy can send one player in each category as wild cards to World and Continental Youth and Schools Chess Championships with registration through its federation, where a Euros 100 maximum administrative charge may be levied.


5.2.4. A FIDE Academy can organise FIDE Rated Tournaments with reports submitted through its federation.


5.2.5. A FIDE Academy may organise FIDE Training Camps where FIDE certificate of attendance approved by TRG may be issued to participants and will seek to organise a minimum of one FIDE Trainer Seminar a year and to use licenced trainers as their faculty.

4. Licenced Trainers


4.1. All Head of Delegations/Captains/Coaches/Trainers at official FIDE events such as Olympiads, World, and Continental, Team Championship, and World and Continental Junior and Youth Championships, are required to be licenced trainers.


4.2. Only licenced trainers are allowed access to the official playing venue and playing area (as the tournament regulations allow) and be entitled to free board & lodging (where it is offered by the organisers).


4.3. If a Federation is unable to organise for a licensed Head of Delegation to fill a position at an official FIDE event, dispensation can be granted, although only in special circumstances. The process for dispensation includes: a) a written application to TRG with detailed motivation, b) a conversation with a representative from TRG, and c) a one-off fee of €400 (four hundred euros) paid to the FIDE Treasurer in advance.

FIDE - TRG Regulations
1 TRG – Direct & Upgrade Trainer Title Application Form (PDF / DOCX)
2 TRG – Trainer Seminar Application Form – Organisier (PDF / DOCX)
3 TRG – FIDE Endorsed Academy Application Form (PDF / DOCX)