Approved by the 1982 General Assembly and amended by the General Assemblies of 1984 through 2012. |
0. |
Introduction |
0.1 |
Only the titles as in 0.3 are acknowledged by FIDE. |
0.2 |
The following regulations can only be altered by the General Assembly following recommendation by the Qualification Commission (QC). |
0.21 |
Any such changes shall only be made every fourth year, commencing from 2004 (unless the Commission agrees urgent action is required). |
0.22 |
Any such changes shall take effect from 1 July of the year following the decision by the General Assembly. For tournaments, such changes shall apply to those starting on or after that date. |
0.3 |
The international FIDE titles for over the board play shall be under the umbrella of the QC, which is the final judging unit. The titles are: |
0.31 |
Titles for over-the-board standard chess (as defined in 1.14), the judging unit being the QC: |
0.4 |
The titles are valid for life from the date confirmed. |
0.41 |
Use of a FIDE title or rating to subvert the ethical principles of the title or rating system may subject a person to revocation of his title upon recommendation by the QC and the Ethics Commission and final action by the General Assembly. |
0.42 |
A title is officially valid from the date all the requirements are met. In order for a title to be confirmed where it is based on an application, it must be published on the FIDE website and in other relevant FIDE documents for at least 60 days. For registered automatic titles see 0.5 below. |
0.43 |
The title can be used for results of opponents only in tournaments starting after the confirmation. (exception: see 1.15) |
0.44 |
In terms of, for example, the age of achieving a title, the title is considered to be achieved when the last result is achieved, and the rating requirement is fulfilled, whichever date is later. |
0.5 |
Definitions |
Title norm is a title performance fulfilling additional requirements concerning the mix of titled players and nationalities as specified in articles 1.42 to 1.47. |
Direct title (automatic title) is a title gained by achieving a certain place or result in a tournament. For example, winning, or achieving a result ≥50 percent in a tournament. On application by the player’s federation and confirmation by the QC, such titles are awarded automatically by FIDE. |
0.6 |
The Award of Titles |
0.61 |
Titles may be awarded for specific results in specific Championship events, or are awarded on achieving a rating as laid down in these regulations. Such titles are confirmed by the QC Chairman on advice from the FIDE Office. They are then awarded by FIDE. |
0.62 |
Titles are also awarded based on applications with norms with a sufficient number of games. These titles shall be awarded by the General Assembly on recommendation by the QC that the candidate meets the requirements. The Presidential Board or Executive Board may award titles in clear cases only, after consultation with the QC. |
1 |
Requirements for Titles designated in 0.31 |
1.1 |
Administration |
1.11 |
Play shall be governed by the FIDE Laws of Chess and FIDE Competition Rules. Tournaments where the composition is changed (without QC approval) during the tournament or those where players have different conditions in terms of rounds and pairings are not valid. Unless with prior approval of the QC Chairman, the tournament must be registered at least 30 days in advance on the FIDE server. |
1.12 |
There must be no more than 12 hours play in one day. This is calculated based on games that last 60 moves, although games played using delay or increment might last somewhat longer. |
1.13 |
No more than 2 rounds shall be played on any one day. Without increment the minimum time is 2 hours for the first 40 moves followed by 30 minutes for the rest of the game. With an increment of a minimum of 30 seconds for each move, the minimum time is 90 minutes for the entire game, apart from the increment. |
1.13a |
In the application for the GM title based on norms, at least one norm shall be achieved in a tournament with only one round per day for a minimum of 3 days. |
1.13b |
In any title tournament the time controls and clock settings for all players must be the same (e.g. if the time control is increment based, all players must use increment; if delay based, all players must use delay; if no increment or delay is specified, then all players must compete with no increment and no delay). There can be no mixed use of clock settings (increment, delay, none at all). |
1.14 |
Leagues and national team championships may last longer than 90 days, but not more than one year. Normally for individual tournaments, a period of at most 90 days is permitted but the QC Chairman may give prior approval to tournaments of a longer duration. |
1.15 |
In tournaments which last longer than 90 days, the opponents’ ratings and titles used shall be those applying when the games were played. |
1.16 |
The Chief Arbiter of a title tournament shall be an International Arbiter (IA) or FIDE Arbiter (FA). He may appoint a temporary deputy. An IA or FA must always be in the playing venue. |
1.17 |
No arbiter may play in a title tournament even just as a filler. |
1.2 |
Titles achieved from International Championships: |
1.21 |
As indicated below, a player may gain a |
1.22 |
The minimum score is 35 % for all titles. The result shown is the minimum required. |
1.23 |
For continental, sub-continental or approved competitions of FIDE International Affiliates, a title or result can be achieved if at least one third or three of the appropriate member federations – whichever is lower – participate in the event. The minimum number of participants in the event is eight. The World Championships (including U20) of the IBCA, ICSC and IPCA are exempted from this rule. |
1.23a |
If groups are combined to make a bigger group, then the requirements (at least 8 participants from at least 3 federations) in 1.22 shall apply to this merged group. Titles can be awarded to the best player(s) of the subgroups, provided the subgroup has at least 5 participants from at least 2 federations and the player scores a minimum of 50% in a minimum of 9 games. |
1.23b |
For Olympiad, a title norm counts as 20 games; a title performance counts as 13 games. |
1.24 |
Terms used in Tables 1.24a and 1.24b: Gold – first after tiebreak; 1st equal – best 3 players after tiebreak; norm – 9 games (unless otherwise specified); Sub-Continentals – include Zonals, Subzonals, Arab, ASEAN and regional youth/school events; Each continent is allowed to designate a maximum of 3 regional youth/school events for direct titles |
1.3 |
Titles may be gained by achieving a published or interim rating at some time or other (see 1.53a): |
1.31 |
FIDE Master ≥2300 |
1.32 |
Candidate Master ≥2200 |
1.33 |
Woman FIDE Master ≥2100 |
1.34 |
Woman Candidate Master ≥2000 |
1.4 |
The GM, IM, WGM, WIM titles can also be gained by achieving norms in internationally rated tournaments played accordingly to the following regulations. |
1.41 |
The Number of Games |
1.41a |
The player must play at least 9 games, however |
1.41b |
Only 7 games are required for 7 round World Team and Continental Team Championships. |
Only 7 games are required for 8 or 9 round World Team and Continental Team Championships. |
Only 8 games are required for World Cup or Women’s World Championship Tournament where these 8-game norms count as 9 games. |
1.41c |
For a 9 round tournament, if a player has just 8 games because of a forfeit or Bye, but he has met the correct mix of opponents in those games, then if he has a title result in 8 games, it counts as an 8 game norm. |
1.41d |
Where a player exceeds the norm requirement by one or more full points, then these full points count as additional number of games when computing the total number of games for the norm achieved. |
1.42 |
The following are not included. |
1.42a |
Games against opponents who do not belong to FIDE federations. |
1.42b |
Games against computers. |
1.42c |
Games against unrated players who score zero against rated opponents in round robin tournaments. |
1.42d |
Games which are decided by forfeit, adjudication or any means other than over the board play. Other games once started, which are forfeited for whatever reason, shall however be included. In the instance of a last round game where the opponent forfeits, the norm shall still count if the player must play in order to have the required number of games, but can afford to lose. |
1.42e |
A player who has achieved a title result before the last round may ignore all games played subsequently, provided |
(i) he has met the required mix of opponents. |
(ii) this leaves him with at least the minimum number of games as in 1.41. |
(iii) in the case of a tournament with pre-determined pairings, the mix of opponents must be such that a norm is possible for the complete tournament. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(iv) in a double round robin tournament, the games counted for the norm must include different opponents sufficient for a norm over the full length of the tournament. |
1.42f |
A player may ignore his game(s) against any opponent he has defeated, provided he has met the required mix of opponents, and provided that this leaves him with at least the minimum number of games as in 1.41 against the required mix of opponents. Nonetheless, the full cross-table of the tournament must be submitted. In the case of a tournament with pre-determined pairings, the full requirements, other than score, must be met for the complete tournament. |
1.42g |
Tournaments that make changes to favour one or more players (for example by altering the number of rounds, or the order of rounds, or providing particular opponents, not otherwise participating in the tournament), shall be excluded. |
1.43 |
Federations of Opponents |
At least 2 federations other than that of the title applicant must be included, except 1.43a-1.43e shall be exempt. Nevertheless, 1.43f shall apply. |
1.43a |
The final stage of the national men’s (or open) championship and also the national women’s championship. In the year when the Subzonal tournament of a single federation is held, then the national championship is not exempt for that federation. |
1.43b |
National team championships. |
1.43c |
Zonals and Subzonal tournaments. |
1.43d |
Tournaments of other types may be included only with the prior approval of the QC Chairman. |
1.43e |
Swiss System tournaments in which participants include in every round at least 20 FIDE Rated players not from the host federation, but from at least 3 federations and at least 10 of whom hold GM, IM, WGM,WIM titles. Otherwise 1.44 applies. |
1.43f |
At least one of the norms has to be achieved under normal foreigner requirement. (See 1.43 and 1.44). |
1.44 |
Opponents shall be calculated using rounding up (minimum) to the next whole number, to the next lower number (maximum). A maximum of 3/5 of the opponents may come from the applicant’s federation and a maximum of 2/3 of the opponents from one federation. For exact numbers see the tables in 1.72. |
1.45 |
Titles of Opponents – see 1.7 for exact numbers. |
1.45a |
At least 50% of the opponents shall be title-holders (TH) as in 0.31, excluding CM and WCM. |
1.45b |
For a GM norm, at least 1/3 with a minimum 3 of the opponents (MO) must be GMs. |
1.45c |
For an IM norm, at least 1/3 with a minimum 3 of the opponents (MO) must be IMs or GMs. |
1.45d |
For a WGM norm, at least 1/3 with a minimum 3 of the opponents (MO) must be WGMs, IMs or GMs. |
1.45e |
For a WIM norm, at least 1/3 with a minimum 3 of the opponents (MO) must be WIMs, WGMs, IMs or GMs. |
1.45f |
Double round robin tournaments need a minimum of 6 players. An opponent’s title as in 1.45b – 1.45e shall be counted only once. |
1.46 |
Rating of Opponents |
1.46a |
The Rating List in effect at the start of the tournament shall be used, see exception 1.15. The ratings of players who belong to federations which are temporarily excluded when the tournament starts can be determined on application to the FIDE Office. |
1.46b |
For the purposes of norms, the minimum rating (adjusted rating floor) for the opponents shall be as follows:
1.46c |
No more than one opponent shall have his rating raised to this adjusted rating floor. Where more than one opponent is below the floor, the rating of the lowest opponent shall be raised. |
1.46d |
Unrated opponents not covered by 1.46b shall be considered to be rated 1000. Minimum number of rated opponents, see table in 1.72. It can be calculated also so that maximum number of unrated opponents is 20 percent of (number of opponents+1). |
1.47 |
Rating Average of Opponents |
1.47a |
This is the total of the opponents’ ratings divided by the number of opponents taking 1.46b into consideration. |
1.47b |
Rounding of the Rating Average is made to the nearest whole number. The fraction 0.5 is rounded upward. |
1.48 |
Performance Rating (Rp)
Calculation of a Performance Rating (Rp): |
1.48a |
The minimum average ratings Ra of the Opponents are as follows: |
1.49 |
1.5 |
Requirements for Award of the Title, having achieved Norms |
1.51 |
Two or more norms in tournaments covering at least 27 games. |
1.52 |
If a norm is sufficient for more than one title, then it may be used as part of the application for both. |
1.53 |
To have achieved at some time or other a rating as follows: |
1.53a |
Such a rating need not be published. It can be obtained in the middle of a rating period, or even in the middle of a tournament. The player may then disregard subsequent results for the purpose of their title application. However, the burden of proof then rests with the federation of the title applicant. It is recommended that players receive a certificate from the Chief Arbiter where they achieve the rating level during a tournament. Such a certificate should include a note of the date each game was played. Title applications based on unpublished ratings shall only be accepted by FIDE after agreement with the Rating Administrator and the QC. Ratings in the middle of a period can be confirmed only after all tournaments for that period have been received and rated by FIDE. |
1.54 |
A title result shall be valid if it was obtained in accordance with the FIDE Title Regulations prevailing at the time of the tournament when the norm was obtained. |
1.55 |
Title norms gained before 1.7.2005 must be registered with FIDE before 1.7.2013 or they will be considered to have expired. |
1.6 |
Summary of Title Tournament Requirements. In the case of any discrepancy, the regulations above shall take precedence.
1.61 |
For the numbers below, see the formula calculating titles in 1.45.
1.7 |
Summary of Requirements depending on the Number of Games |
1.71 |
Determining whether a result is adequate for a norm, dependent on the average rating of the opponents. Tables 1.72 show the range for tournaments up to 19 rounds.Norms achieved in a tournament with more than 13 rounds count only as 13 games. |
1.72 |
Tables |
Available only for 7 to 9 round World Team and Continental Team Championships
Available only for 8 or 9 round Continental and World Team Championships; or after 8 games in the World Cup or Women’s World Championship. The latter two are counted as 9 rounds when computing to 27 games.
The material following refers to 9-19 rounds: |
For 10 rounds or more it is possible that deleting a game that has been won could be advantageous. SR refers to single round and DR to double round events.
#If there were 4 players from 1 federation out of the 6 contestants, neither of the other 2 players would be able to gain a title norm. This would be satisfactory if, for example, both were GMs. |
SR refers to single round and DR to double round events.
# If there were 4 players from 1 federation out of the 7 contestants, none of the other 3 players would be able to gain a title norm. This would be satisfactory if, for example, all were GMs. |
# If there were 5 players from 1 federation out of the 8 contestants, none of the other 3 players would be able to gain a title norm. This would be fine if, for example, all were GMs. |
1.8 |
Title Tournament Certificates |
The Chief Arbiter must prepare in quadruplicate certificates of title results achieved. These copies must be provided to the player, the player’s federation, the organizing federation and FIDE. The player is recommended to ask the Chief Arbiter for the certificate before leaving the tournament. The Chief Arbiter is responsible that the TRF file must be submitted to FIDE. |
1.9 |
Submission of Reports on Title Tournaments |
Such tournaments must be registered as in 1.11. |
1.91 |
The end of a tournament is the date of the last round and the deadline for submitting the tournament shall be calculated from that date. |
1.92 |
The Chief Arbiter of a FIDE registered tournament has to provide the tournament report (TRF file) within 7 days after the end of the tournament to the Rating Officer of the federation where the tournament took place. The Rating Officer shall be responsible for uploading the TRF file to the FIDE Rating Server not later than 30 days after the end of the tournament. |
1.93 |
Reports shall include a database of at least those games played by players who achieved title results. |
1.10 |
Application Procedure for Players’ Titles |
1.10a |
Registration of Direct Titles |
1.10b |
Titles by Application |
2. |
Application Forms for titles are annexed hereto. They are: |
2.1 |
Applications for these titles must be prepared on these forms and all the information required supplied together with the application: |
2.2 |
Applications must be submitted to FIDE by the federation of the applicant. The national federation is responsible for the fee. |
2.3 |
There is a 60-day deadline in order for the applications to be considered properly. There is a 50% surcharge for applications to be considered in a shorter time-scale than this. Those arriving during the Presidential Board, Executive Board or General Assembly shall be charged a 100% supplement. |
Exception: the surcharge may be waived, if the last norm was achieved so late that the time limit could not be observed. |
2.4 |
All applications together with full details must be posted on the FIDE website for a minimum of 60 days prior to finalisation. This is in order for any objections to be lodged. |
3.0. |
List of Application Forms |
1. Certificate of title result IT1. |
01. Non-Elected Commissions
02. Financial Regulations
03. Electoral Rules
08. FIDE Ethics
01. International Title Regulations (Qualification Commission)
02. FIDE Rating Regulations (Qualification Commission)
03. Regulations on Registration & Licensing of Players
04. Registration, Transfer & Rules of Eligibility for Player
06. Regulations for the Titles of Arbiters
07. Regulations for the Titles of Trainers / FIDE Endorsed Academies
08. Regulations for Accreditation in Chess in Education
09. Regulations on Seminars & Title Award for Organizers
11. FIDE Online Arena Regulations
02. Chess Equipment
04. FIDE Swiss Rules
C.04.1 Basic rules for Swiss Systems
C.04.2 General handling rules for Swiss Tournaments
C.04.3 FIDE (Dutch) System
C.04.4 Other FIDE-approved Pairing Systems
C.04.5 FIDE-approved Accelerated Systems
07. Tie-Break Regulations
08. FIDE Chess Calendar
01. FIDE Individual World Championship Cycles
02. Chess Olympiad
02. Olympiad Pairing Rules
03. Cycle for Competitions for Men`s and Women`s National Teams
04. Other FIDE Competitions
01. General Regulations for FIDE Competitions
14. Bids Evaluation Criteria
19. FIDE World Corporate Chess Championship
07. Regulations for the FIDE World Rapid & Blitz Championships
01. Laws of Chess